Microsoft Nokia Create to Inspire school programme


Yuvabharathi Public School collaborating with Microsoft Nokia Create to Inspire school programme in 2014-15, the school developed capacity in students and teachers to take actions for sustainable lifestyle and environmental protection. Following the energy audit, a mini Earth hour is observed in the school and serves as one of the best practices of the school.
The projects brought attitude change among the stake holders and inspired to create new ways to make amends with deteriorating Nature. The nine projects submitted for the jury’s perusal were recognised for their efforts and on the 10th of April 2015, Yuvabharathi Public School won three certificates of excellence at the Microsoft Nokia Create to Inspire Award Ceremony in the following categories:
1.Most E waste Collected
2. Best use of creative expression in Community outreach
3. Best use of Sustainability tool kit.
The school has bagged the most number of certificates among all the participating schools in Coimbatore District (2014-15).
Yuvabharathi was conferred awards for the year 2015-16 in the following categories at the Microsoft Create to Inspire School Programme award ceremony held on the 19th of February 2016

1. The best use of Sustainability Toolkit
2. The best use of Social media
3. The best use of Creative Expressions for community outreach
4. Most E-Waste collected
5. Contribution to the Microsoft Create to Inspire School Programme