Couldn’t attend Black Sea Grain & Oil Trade? We are sharing conference materials till September 30!


Couldn’t attend ‘Black Sea Grain & Oil Trade’ conference? Get a full video recording and presentations till Sep.30!
Due to numerous requests, we decided to offer conference materials to those, who could not attend the event. Conference materials are available in the event’s official mobile application.
Simply download the App to your iPad, tablet or mobile, and enjoy the event!
With the ‘BSG Events’ Mobile app you will be able to:
• Watch the full conference recording in English
• Download presentations and conference catalog
• Access delegate list
• Send messages and network with participants
Access fee: 150€
On September 2-3, 2020 UkrAgroConsult hosted International Conference “Black Sea Grain & Oil Trade” – a leading communication platform that gathers agribusiness leaders to discuss key trends, central events and future directions of the Black Sea and the global agri sector development. The conference attracted over 200 delegates from 20+ countries both in person and online.
This year the conference was held in a completely new format, combining two areas – grain and oilseed markets. The conference provided participants with 2 days of exclusive analytics from international industry experts, effective networking and meetings with players across the value chain, top managers, decision-makers and opinion leaders.
The forum brought up discussions on the key trends in the agricultural market in the global and regional context, crop forecasts, logistics development, reforms and investments in agriculture, topical aspects of the current season and the prospects for the next. Leading experts from Ukraine and the Black Sea region, the EU, the USA, China, Indonesia, Brazil, Egypt and Australia shared their views on the ‘new normal’ in agricultural markets.
Check the Conference photos and video.
The 18th International Conference BLACK SEA GRAIN-2021 is scheduled for April 14-15, 2021, InterContinetal Hotel, Kyiv, Ukraine.