The information about to candle making machine


We are a notable producer and supplier of Candle making machine. We all live candlelight. It is so eco friendly. Our predecessor believes that if we burn a candle on worship time at this time it’s a very powerful aesthetic. People have used a candle to decorate their restaurant, and on the occasion at the party, wedding and so more.
The candle making business is small scale types of business. It doesn’t require huge capital and very profitable business with low investment. We need some raw materials like – Stearin, Wax, Wicks, Dyes, Candle Making Machine, and Candle Moulds.
In the simple word, Stearin is used for the strong segment of an oil fat that can be isolated into parts hat liquefy at higher and lower temperatures and it is easily available in market.
It is used to forgive a smooth and creamy appearance, no black smoke residue and it is not affected by your health. We can get easily in the market.
A light wicks are generally twisted cotton that holds the fire of an oil light or flame. It is easily available in the market.
Dyes are used for decoration and coloring to the candle. The dye is an additional part of a candle. If we are making a white color candle so we don’t need any dye for a candle because for making candles we used whitening powder. It already white so we don’t need any dye for color.
Candle Moulds
Candle Moulds are used to shape wax or elective fluids as they set. They are produced using various materials and come in all shapes and sizes, so picking between them can be so picking them can be very troublesome.
Maa Bhawani Industries is a manufacturer and worldwide exporter for the best quality of candle making machine and candle molds at a reasonable price.
We provide Candle making machine at a price of Rs. 65000 with gleaming features: –
• Fitted with brass pipes for smooth’s & seamless clean candles.
• Brass pipes wrapped with iron pipes for long life.
• Fitted with rack pinion.
• Ball bearing
• Steels pistons wiry brass nozzles are fitted.
• Provisions for water circulations
• Fitted with the device to change the length of candles as a requirement

We also manufacture Chalk Making Machinery and Candle Moulds and the price of Candle Moulds is an Rs.1000/ unit with a 1-year warranty and silver color.
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