Guide to buying the right wheelchair


Technical assistance vehicles and aida care have evolved a lot in terms of performance and materials. Coming to design truly light, foldable, practical models for transport and manageable for both the user and the person who assists him.

If you are currently looking for an orthopedic Lightweight wheelchair and you are not sure which one to choose, do not worry because we are going to give you the keys so that you can buy the one that best suits your needs.


If you want a wheelchair rental for indoors or to move around the house, we advise you to choose a model that is narrow, and with small wheels, this will pleasantly favor mobility within the house. On the other hand, if you want a stroller wheelchair to be able to go outside with it, in that case, it would be advisable to choose one that has large wheels to travel greater distances.


It is another of the most important factors, we must first make sure of the dimensions before making the purchase. There is no standard measure currently since we can find chairs of different sizes depending on their use.

One of the important points is to know the size of the seat, this must be adequate to be able to sit comfortably. To make sure it is the correct measurement, we can measure the width of our hips sitting in a chair and for the depth of the distance that remains from the end of the back to the knee.

Another important point will be the size it occupies with the wheels, very important if we want to move around the house without any problem. Good advice would be to previously measure the frames of the rooms and the measurements of the elevator so that we do not have any problems.


The vast majority of these devices come with the folding option, something that can be very practical if you want to store it for example in the trunk of a vehicle or to take it with us on trips.


The wheels that incorporate, are mostly solid and puncture-proof wheels. There are models that, in addition to folding, allow the extraction of the rear wheels, something that can be very practical in case you have to put the chair in an elevator or go through a very narrow door that does not enter easily.


Footrests are an element that can be indispensable in a wheelchair since their function allows the person to rest their legs comfortably. Make sure they are at a suitable height or can be adjusted in height. Some models also allow the extraction of this element.