Why Finding The Optimal Office Temperature Is Crucial For Productivity


Did you know that employees across the United Kingdom can lose around 2% of their productivity level because of fighting for the control over office thermostat? This seemingly small issue related to air conditioning Berkshire can amount to a yearly productivity loss worth £13 billion. And it’s the very reason why you should also pay attention to finding the optimal temperature for your workspace.

How Temperature Affects Employees’ Productivity

There are different ways wherein the set temperature of your air conditioning in Berkshire can affect the performance of employees.

It can affect their mood. Imagine trying to beat a deadline for a marketing proposal in an office with a temperature hot enough to make you sweat profusely. It’s quite unpleasant, right? The task itself is already stress-inducing; how much more if you throw in heat to the mix? It’s a situation that can put you in a bad mood. One of its consequences is a lower productivity output — or a poor quality of final output.

It can impact their movement. When you’re located in a room with low temperatures, your muscle will feel tense. This is especially felt when you’re entering a too-cold office coming from a hot outside environment. This will result in a limited movement — making it uncomfortable for you to do office tasks. While it may seem trivial at first glance, however, peering into the situation, you’ll realise how unproductive it can be for your employees.

It can slow down their pace. Whether your office temperature is too hot or too cold, one thing remains the same: It can slow down the way employees perform and complete their tasks. As mentioned, fighting over the thermostat control can cause your workers to spend their time unproductively — time that could have been spent accomplishing their duties.

It can cause them to lose their focus. All the previous bullets lead to one inevitable consequence: Your employees losing their focus from their work and even delivering output peppered with inaccuracies. In fact, there’s a study showing that workers who are in a cold environment make more typing errors than those working in an office with an optimal temperature. When the temperature was set to the right setting, the study’s participants showed a 44-percent decrease in typing errors and a whopping 150-percent increase in typing output.

So, What’s The Ideal Office Temperature?

Based on recent studies, the optimal office temperature ranges from 70 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit. This sweet spot will help you and your employees work productively and accomplish tasks more comfortably.

With enhanced productivity (by simply investing in an air conditioning in Berkshire set to the right temperature), your business can untimely boost its overall performance and be propelled to greater heights.

If you’re looking for a reliable air conditioning Berkshire to help maintain — and even boost — your business’ productivity, Delta Air Conditioning Services is always ready to help. Get in touch with them at 0118 959 7606 or at sales@deltaairconditioning.co.uk. Learn more

About them you visit www.deltaairconditioning.co.uk.