11 Air Conditioner Sound That Warns You Of Possible Repairs Soon


Like how men and animals whimper in pain, your devices that provide air conditioning in Newbury also produce different sounds to signal that there’s something wrong. Below are 11 common air conditioner sounds that warn you of possible repairs.

Screeching or squealing. This kind of sound can be caused by a motor that needs to be lubricated. It can also be a sign that your blower’s fan belt is in bad condition.

Grinding. If your air conditioning Newbury has a grinding sound, it could be that its motor has too little lubrication or has excessive dust buildup.

“Thwapping”. When the “thwapping” sound appears and disappears with airflow, it’s an indication that something is stuck in your blower’s fan blades.

Banging or clanking. This sound can also be related to your unit’s blower. It could also mean that your motor has loose or broken components. When the sound gets louder over time, call immediate help and shut off your system until it’s repaired.

Rattling from outside the compressor and fan unit. You should also be alarmed if you hear rattling noises from your compressor unit. It can either mean that it has loose hardware or a damaged motor.

Popping. It’s normal to hear popping sounds in your ductwork when you have turned on the heat of your HVAC system for quite some time. What isn’t normal is this noise coming from a source other than your ductwork.

Buzzing. This sound produced by air conditioning in Newbury could signal different issues: a refrigerant leak, a vibrating loose part, or a compression malfunction.

Frequent clicking. If your AC unit is experiencing a problem with its exterior compressor or interior air handler, it will produce frequent clicking sounds. You should call an HVAC technician to help you find the root cause and address it appropriately.

High-pitched whistling. One of the more alarming sounds you will hear from your AC unit, this should prompt you to turn your electrical power off. It could be a sign of your compressor severely failing or of a hazardous high refrigerant pressure. You should immediately call a technician to inspect your unit.

Hissing. If your air conditioning Newbury has an internal refrigerant leak, it will give off a hissing sound. Just like a high-pitched whistling, this warrants immediate help from an expert in HVAC repairs.

Animal sounds from the ductwork. From birds that clang, insects that buzz to rodents that scratch, several animals can get stuck in your ductwork and produce unpleasant, disturbing sounds. They also hinder your air conditioning unit from performing efficiently and effectively.

Not sure if what your HVAC system is sounding off is already alarming? Have it inspected by the best name in air conditioning in Newbury. Since they were founded in 2014, Ecotemp Environmental Ltd has steadily grown and quickly established their reputation when it comes to delivering quality air conditioning services — from design to installation, maintenance to repair. Learn more about them at https://www.ecotempenvironmental.co.uk/. You can also get in touch with them via email (info@ecotempenvironmental.co.uk) or phone (01635 745008).