Licensed Veterinarians offering complete range of surgical services


Advanced veterinary is one of the well-established pet clinics in Florida offering a complete range of surgical services for your pets. They have the required equipment and veterinarians to perform all kinds of surgical procedures whether it is minor or major issues. Dogs are more loyal to their owners and loved by them. The pet owner takes care of the beloved pets at any cost. If anything happens to them, it hurts them a lot. The pets are the same as humans they do face some problems like humans we do like bone issues, bone disease, fractures, back trauma, knee trauma, joint problems, and more. These are some common kinds of problems called orthopedic problems.
Orthopedic treatment is meant for treating issues related to injuries, diseases, and degenerative conditions of the skeletal system, which includes the body’s muscles, joints, bones, and ligaments. Some of the pets will face orthopedic problems at some point in their lives. Pet owners may be failed or barely notice this kind of problem. It may affect the pet’s ability to perform their basic things like walking, running, and more. Advanced veterinary clinics can diagnose and treat a wide range of orthopedic problems ranging from common to complex.
Pet are the most lovable creatures they are may be unable to talk can express their feelings through their action. So pet owners should try to understand their pets some issues can be easily found like broken limbs but other issues one cannot. Here are some symptoms that determine whether your pet has an orthopedic disorder or not,
Inability to rise, Lethargy, Swelling of the joints, Misshapen limbs, Irritability, Lameness, Reluctance to move, Stiffness, Loss of appetite, Weight gain, and Abnormal stance or gait.
If the pet owners notice any one of the above-mentioned symptoms to their pets, then take the pets to the Advanced Veterinary for assessment. In the clinic, the veterinarian will perform certain tests and procedures to find out exact orthopedic issues faced by the pet so they can provide the right solution for them.
About Advanced Veterinary:
Advanced Veterinary is a well-established pet clinic with experienced veterinarians in Florida offering the best veterinary services for pet surgery. Their Veterinary team is committed to providing quality service to help the pets to live a happy and healthy life. Their staffs and veterinarians are very friendly in treating the pets to make them feel comfortable like home. The clinic has all advanced equipment and tools required to treat the pets, and the services are provided at an affordable price. For more details, visit
28380 Old 41 Rd, Suite #8
Bonita Springs, FL. 34135
Phone no: 941-999-1006