Change Your Eye Color with Cosmetic Eye Color Surgery


Our eye colors depend on genes and we are born with a certain eye color which itself full matures and it develops in infant months. Different persons have different eyes like blue, black, green, grey, and hazel. These colors are the permanent eye colors that you will have for the rest of your life. Some people are not satisfied with their natural eye color, so they try to change it by temporary colored lenses known as contact lenses and some it permanent eye color change with cosmetic eye color surgery. A change in eye color enhances your look and attractiveness. Lots of people desire colored eyes so, they change eye color surgically.

Some requirements need before cosmetic eye color surgery:

• A complete history of the patient’s medical and eye health
• General eye examination including visual acuity and refraction with an without glasses
• Intraocular pressure
• Gonioscopy of the anterior angle
• Fundus examination
• Specular microscopy, (endothelial cell count)
• White to white and anterior chamber depth done by IOL master, Orbscan, Lenstra, Pentium, or Serius and verified by manual measurement. A depth of the endothelial side and epithelial side
• Pachymetry done by orbscan or pentacam
• Check for pseudoexfoliation syndrome
• Peripheral retinal examination and axial length of the eye

Change eye color surgically is done under topical anesthesia. Once the eyes are numb, the eye surgeon considers it safe to start with the iris implant surgery. You can select any color for your eye as per your requirement such as light grey, sea green, baby blue, light brown eyes as well as brown eyes. You have to follow certain rules and guidelines after eye surgery as well. You have to take care of your eye for about a week or two. You have to wash your eyes on a regular basis and use eye drops for a month as prescribed by your surgeon. And you have to follow a regular medication up to a month along with regular consultation with your surgeon.

Permanent eye color change surgery is not simply because our eyes are one of the most important and highly sensitive parts of the body. The risks involved with iris implant surgery are numerous and, in many cases, can be very serious; many patients also suffer from the following conditions:

• Inflammation and swelling
• Redness
• Blindness (either partial or total)
• Glaucoma
• Early-onset cataracts
• Blocked eye drain
• Severe infections
• The need for a corneal transplant
• Corneal edema (swelling)
• Light sensitivity
• Blurry vision
• Pupils unable to dilate

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