Ensure Your Body Fitness with Cast Iron Plates and Pin Loaded Machines


Custom Gym Equipment, the top leader in commercial fitness equipment manufacturing, today announced two new products – Cast Iron Plates and Pin Loaded Machines. These two fitness equipment provide great facilities to the fitness freaks and clubs with a comprehensive quality of training tools.

Cast Iron plates are virtually indestructible. They come in two styles indicated by the diameter of the center hole. Standard size plates fit a 1″ weight bar, and Olympic plates fit a 2″ Olympic weight bar. These plates have a hammer tone gray finish and quad-grip design which enable users enjoy easy carrying.

Pin loaded gym equipment is referred to as single station gym equipment and selectorised gym equipment as the resistance or weight. They are well adjusted via a selector rod or pin that pics the amount of weight to be easily lifted by the user.

We offer quality pin loaded gym equipment which prices varies between brands. We have thoroughly compared the specs and ensured to build quality products. Choose our Titanium series that come with a heavier weight stack, better quality, framing, and metal pulleys for smoother use.

We manufacture different gym equipment including plate loaded machines of different model and style of facility. We aim to help you build a strong and successful business and provide buyers with top quality and safe equipment. At Custom Gym Equipment, we recommend you purchase pin loaded gym machines with at least 80kg to 120 or 130 weight stacks, especially for Chest Press, Leg Press, Lat Pull Down and more.

Training with Pin loaded machines is an easy, safe and effective way of getting all the benefits of weight training without any sort of difficulty of handling free weights. This kind of gym equipment act as a good starting point for people new to weight training and best base training for more experienced people. Truly, moving on to training with free weights and cables may help you enjoy progression.

We design different series of pin loaded and cast Iron plated selectorized strength machines especially for busy commercial gyms. All pieces are available in a stunning matte black finish to ensure your body fitness.

Browse our website for details:https://www.customgymequipment.ie/

View source: https://www.issuewire.com/ensure-your-body-fitness-with-cast-iron-plates-and-pin-loaded-machines-1676697627600452