What Kind Of Bathtub Should You Buy: 7 Things You Need To Know, According To Experts


Bathrooms are a place where we should be able to relax and freshen up, especially after a long and tiring day. One of the essentials of these spaces is the bathtub. Offered by bathroom shops Kent in different styles and sizes, it’s often quite challenging to choose the best one for your own bathroom.

According to experts, here are seven things you need to know and considered when buying a bathtub.

Know what you can afford. When shopping for any product from bathroom showrooms Kent, the basic rule is you have to know your budget first. Take note that it’s not only your tub that’s on your to-buy list when redoing or building your dream bathroom. You have to allocate your funds smartly.

Choose a bathtub style that suits your household’s lifestyle. Bathtubs can be alcove (the recessed tubs installed adjacent to three walls), freestanding (which needs to be installed near plumbing lines), soaking (deeper than usual), and whirlpool (gives spa-like experience). When choosing which style you’d go for, consider not only your preference but the lifestyle of your whole household — especially if you have children and elderly in the family.

Invest in quality materials. Choose a natural that’s comfortable and durable at the same time. The most common bathtub materials include plastic (can be acrylic or fibreglass) — known for being lightweight and versatile; enamelled steel (budget friendly but its composition can cool water quickly); cast-iron (like enamelled steel but more long-lasting); and cast-polymer (they replicate the look of a marble or granite, but can be brittle over time).

Measure your space. Before heading out to bathroom shops kent to look for a tub, make sure you know what tub size you are aiming for. Measure your bathroom space accurately.

Don’t forget to consider the weight of the tub. When buying a tub, it’s it only the size that matters — you have to be careful about their weight too. Choose a tub whose weight can be handled by your flooring system.

Take into account the installation process. The more elaborate the installation is, the pricier he overall costs will be. This is why experts also recommend taking into account how easy it will be to install your new tub.

Check out the extra features you might need. Some tubs come with a shower option. If you prefer to maximise space, you should consider this type of bathtub. Other extra features you can avail in modern tubs include underwater lighting, speakers (a great feature for those who love to listen to music while soaking in the tub), and digital controls. Whichever tub you prefer, just make sure to ask about its warranty.

Nicholls Bathrooms is a family run business first established in 1961. They use their over half a century of experience to help their clients achieve their dream bathrooms. If you’re looking for one of the most recognised bathroom shops Kent, check them out at www.nichollsltd.co.uk. You can also email them at info@nicnollsltd.co.uk or call them at 01795 472 819.