Promising Hip-hop Rapper Brazy Luca Announced new single Called “SPLASH”


The single “SPLASH” is leading up to the upcoming Album “Space Out”. The single is available at major digital music platforms now.

Talented and rising female rapper, Brazy Luca has announced her new single entitled “SPLASH”. The single is one of her new songs which will be featured on the nex release hip-hop album called “Spaced Out” which will be released in November 2020. The single “SPLASH” is currently available at the worldwide digital music platforms. Since it was released on August 28, 2020, the single has gained many listeners at some major digital music platforms, such as Spotify, Itunes, Deezer, and many more. “SPLASH” is her latest single released in 2020 after some of her previous releases, including Freak Like Me, Freak Like Me (Remix), Boss Ass Bitch, and She Doin It. 

Brazy Luca is well known as a female rapper with sharp wordplay and mercilessly blunt lyricism. Her music presents a good vibe and fast spoken lyrics. Her exotic vocal pumps up the energy on her new single “SPLASH”. On this new single, Brazy Luca still delivers the power of the lyrics combined with deep vibration and tap, which brings its own atmosphere compared to the previous singles.

About Brazy Luca 

Brazy Luca is a US Female Rapper with a unique style and character. Her singles, including Boss Ass Bitch, Freak Like Me, Freak Like Me (Remix), MONEY POWER, and She Doin It, have gained many listeners across digital music platforms. Her newest single “SPLASH” leading up to her upcoming Debut Album “Spaced Out”, which will be released in November 2020. She has worked with several music writers and producers such as JuicyyFrewt, DJ Strategy, and Ouh Boy. Besides the upcoming new album, Brazy Luca has also planned to drop another essential project in 2020 called Brazylicious Mixtape, which will be available in December 2020. Stay tuned for another Brazy Luca’s news and follow her social media page or official website at



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