Find the Perfect Boarding for Your Pets


Apart from the basic boarding services, you can also enroll your pet for pet grooming. They can enjoy our canine salon services where they can get their nails trimmed, fur brushed, bathed etc.

We all love pets. These furry and loving creatures make our lives better every day. However, there are some practical issues that make us hesitant when it comes to owning a pet. For most of us, it is about looking after them. We have to go out for work or spend the night out or go on tours, and it is then that we keep scratching our heads, not knowing where to keep the pets. Well that problem is solved now. At Reigning Cats & Dogs, you can leave your pets at the best boarding conditions and be carefree. Here are the various services that you get:

Pet boarding: you can leave your pet at our dog boarding Gainesville or cat boarding Gainesville, and concentrate on whatever it is that you have to be away for. The pets are going to be taken care of, provided for and they can also enjoy their time playing with others.

Pet grooming: apart from the basic boarding services, you can also enroll your pet for pet grooming Gainesville TX. They can enjoy our canine salon services where they can get their nails trimmed, fur brushed, bathed etc.

Exit Bath and Nail trim: you can specifically choose to bring your pets in for just bathing and nail trimming. They will be bathed, blown dry, brushed and scented before you pick them up.

Doggy day care: if you need the day to yourself or just have to work during the day time, you can drop your dog at our doggie day care. They can play with their other furry friends and nap in comfortable beds until you return.

We understand that pets and their wellbeing are the two top priorities in the minds of the owners. To enjoy the best of services for your friends, contact us. Visit our website: