DataNumen File Splitter Helps Split and Join Large Files Effortlessly


June 20, 2020

DataNumen File Splitter Helps Split and Join Large Files Effortlessly

DataNumen has released DataNumen File Splitter v1.2, a free Windows utility program that makes it easy for users to split files into segments and rejoin them into a single file again. The software is designed for backing up files that are larger than the storage medium that will be used to hold the backups.

For example, it’s not possible to back up a two gigabyte file onto a single CD. With DataNumen File Splitter, however, it’s easy to split the large file into three smaller segments, each of which can be stored on a single CD. If the file needs to be restored, a user can simply copy the three smaller files to a hard drive and use DataNumen File Splitter to join the three segments into a single large file again. Similarly, DataNumen File Splitter can be used to split files for storage on DVDs, USB thumb drives, and all removable media.

DataNumen File Splitter also makes it safer and more efficient to download large files from a local network or from an Internet site. When the download process is working smoothly, it is usually much quicker to download ten small files than one huge file, even though the total number of bytes of data would be the same. That’s because most sophisticated downloading systems can initiate multiple simultaneous download threads.

When the network connection fails during the downloading process, the ability to split and join files becomes more important. When a single huge download fails, then the entire downloading process has to be repeated. When a single segment of the file fails to download properly, only that segment needs to be downloaded a second time.

DataNumen File Splitter allows the user to specify the size limit of the segments that it will create. The program also calculates the MDS check sum of a file to ensure that it is complete and undamaged. The software can perform a byte-by-byte comparison of any two files to ensure that they are identical.

Price and availability

DataNumen File Splitter v1.2 is available without cost, and works on all 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows, including Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, and Windows Server 2003, 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2019. The free download is available on DataNumen’s website on


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