Daryl Guberman Reveals Details About Texas Company Overseen By China Being Told To Fly Chinese Flag in New Video


China’s influence over American businesses is extremely disturbing. Daryl Guberman of Guberman-PMC has led the way in educating about this vitally important issue.

New York, NY – USA | August 27, 2020 — China works its influence in the United States in extremely diverse ways. One which many are not aware of is by controlling ISO registrars by inserting Chinese nationals in top positions. Fortunately, Daryl Guberman (http://dguberman.com) and Guberman-PMC, leaders in American-based ISO registrar and consultation services have made it their mission to expose the details surrounding these concerns. Guberman also strives to make companies aware that when they work with organizations like the IAF and ANAB, they are actively endorsing anti-American elements with ties to China, Iran, Pakistan, and other sworn enemies of the United States and the American way.

His most recent effort has been the release of a new YouTube video, “Texas Company Overseen By China Told To Fly Chinese Flag” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU5QNezCh8k) where he reveals the dangers and changes companies can experience when they bend the knee to Chinese communist influence.

“What’s happening right now in Texas to this company is a shame,” commented Guberman. “We held back from revealing the company’s name in the hopes that they reverse this course while they still can. If not in the near future we will certainly talk about this more. People have a right to know.”

Guberman certainly speaks from deep experience in ISO and related fields. He has over three decades of experience in the aerospace, medical implants and materials, and printing fields. He and Guberman-PMC have won praise from diverse companies for saving them millions of dollars in constructive productivity-enhancing suggestions. All while staying firmly pro-America and pro-freedom, qualities which are becoming more important everyday.

Guberman and supporters will be revealing the Texas company once the business becomes a China-led ISO certified facility in order to protect other businesses in the Lone Star state from falling victim to the same Communist-led oversight of their quality system.

“The only way these anti-American and shameless businesses will cease turning their back on the American people and allowing China access to sensitive corporate information, including intellectual property, will be to ensure they no longer is allowed to discretely engage in such acts of commercial treason,” said Guberman.

Texas is perhaps the most patriotic state in the Union and Texans do not appreciate those that refuse to take a stand in support of liberty, free choice in the marketplace and independence. Guberman has published an entire series of videos supporting his America First movement in the quality community at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0ZYWA9cxqRglv2gq717OcA

Guberman said he’s shipping China’s communist flag to the Texas company over-seen by China so they can replace Old Glory which they shamelessly stomped on in the name of ‘China accreditation and communist oversight.’

Press & Media Contact:
Henry Kroger
ABAC – American Board of Accredited Certifications
41 Madison Avenue,
31st Floor, Manhattan,
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