Accredited Manager Qualifications – The Fast Track Alternative to University Business and Management Degree Programs


Aug 20, United Kingdom: The demand for management education is growing worldwide, and the importance of management and leadership knowledge and qualifications for staff at all levels for the vitality and sustainability of ventures is universally accepted.

Traditionally, business has looked to three and four-year university degree programs to meet the development needs of their aspiring and existing managers. What organizations worldwide have realised is that university qualifications are oftentimes neither relevant, practical, or affordable for the organization, and for the individual seeking the BBA or MBA qualifications.

Accredited Manager Qualifications are the affordable and reliable platform for validating the knowledge and competence of an organization’s managers. Available for aspiring and incumbent managers at the 4 main levels of management, first-line through senior executive levels, The Global Institute of Accredited Managers (GIAM) qualifications ensure managers have comparable knowledge to individuals completing costly undergraduate and post-graduate degree programs, while also knowing how to apply their knowledge to real-world business and management challenges. For more information, visit


GIAM qualifications are both cost-effective and time efficient. GIAM qualifications can be achieved quickly without interrupting the manager’s employment in the workplace. With assessment based on GIAM’s online examinations program, candidates can validate their management and leadership competency quickly, and with minimum time lost to the organization in completing written assignments.

Learning for the qualifications is available online and in blended format through GIAM delivery partners, and costs a fraction of the fees for comparable university qualifications.


GIAM qualifications are available at four levels:

1. Accredited First-Line Manager Qualifications – for entry level managers, including supervisors and team leaders.

2. Accredited Middle Manager Qualifications – for experienced first-line managers entering middle management.

3. Accredited Senior Manager Qualifications – for experienced middle managers planning to enter senior management roles.

4. Accredited Executive Manager Qualifications – the postgraduate qualification for senior managers entering executive (C-level) positions.

About the Company:

Global Management Academy is the hub for professionals seeking to accelerate their careersin business management. GMA is an approved provider of GIAM qualifications. All GMA’s courses are delivered online, and are accessible on all devices 24-7, and enable you to learn at work, or in the comfort of your home. GMA’s courses help managers at all stages in their career development with its world leading range of online courses in leadership and business management.

Contact Details:
Address: The Innovation Factory, 385 Springfield Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK
Phone Number: +44 (0) 28 9064 0231