Install Tower Clock By Chomko LA To Generate Maximum Publicity


Pittsburg, PA, 26 August, 2020 – one of the most daunting tasks of a factory unit is the time management involving workforce and work shifts. These need to be regularized properly to have effective working environment and Chomko LA, LLC provides highly efficient factory lunch buzzer systems that could actually set things right with your factory working. The lunch buzzer system is integrated with the latest time technology which allows the bell system to work without human help and ring bells, play tune or music at the appropriate break time. The system is also aided by GPS satellite time or your own computer network time so it is never late or advanced in announcing breaks.

The lunch buzzer system can work with or without cables and the latter design is supported by Wi-Fi technology and is able to activate physical bells without the need of cables. Besides announcing breaks the system can also announce emergency messages to avoid major calamities like fire accidents.

Informacast speakers are used in the buzzer system which can inform the occupants with hazardous chemical alert, lockdown alerts, activating eye washing stations and notifying multiple locations at the same time. it is a invaluable system which will give you firm control of what is happening in your factory and also give an edge over communication. Chomko LA is expert clock providers and their expertise also extends to tower clocks that make great landmarks and publicity generating agents.

A clock tower at your corporate office premises or a school institution is a well placed time piece besides attracting maximum eyeballs. You could greatly enhance the reputation of your establishment by designing the clock with your institutional theme.

Your clock tower could be a lone standing structure or part of an existing structure and either way it is a majestic projection of your personality and goal and Chomko LA is famed for building the best tower clocks in the country using worldwide time technologies. Visit the time management company’s website to know more about their products and their uses. Use the phone numbers (800) 964-5749 toll-free or 412-482-3822 (Pittsburgh) and 404-334-0202 (Atlanta) to communicate with their representative and discuss about your requirements.

Chomko LA, based in Pittsburgh & Atlanta is a time management company which builds fabulous tower clocks while providing highly accurate and automatic factory break bell systems.

Contact Information
Chomko LA
3812 William Flynn Hwy
Building #7C, Suite 101
Allison Park, PA 15101
Phone: 412-482-3822

Phone: 404-334-0202
Toll Free: 800-964-5749
Chomko LA
3115 Westchester Drive, 2nd Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15238
(412) 482-3822

8097 Roswell Road, Building B
Atlanta, GA 30350
Toll Free: (800) 964-5749

Phone: 08000 248091