Caripur H2O: Commercial Water Purification System for Home/Business


Water Purification is the need of every person in the world. Water Purification is a process that removes 99.9 % of harmful substances and bacteria from water. In the modern world, various types of water purification systems are designed as per the need of humans.
Commercial Water purification system is getting smarter day by day because new technology develops in the water purification process. Various Technology and Advance features are included in new commercial water purification systems.
The commercial water purification system is used in homes, hotels, schools, restaurants to provide fresh and pure water for their customers that help to make their customers stay fit and healthy.
CARIPUR H2O is one of the advanced water purification systems Nowadays. CARIPUR H2O is an advanced and smart water purification system that provides pure and fresh drinking water to people.
Before buying any product you must be well aware of their specifications.
Below specification gives more idea about CARIPUR H2O
Main Specification:
Integument Technology
CARIPUR H2O uses technology that helps to remove minute particles and organisms responsible for pollute water.
CARIPUR H2O maintenance is done by itself on a daily,
weekly, and monthly basis. You don’t need to track their activity.
Water Wastage
Most of the water purifier wastage percentage is 50 to 60% of
water but CARIPUR H2O purifies 98% of water.
Less Expensive
The specification of CARIPUR H2O is advanced compared to other water purifiers. This system is money saving because it consumes less power and also works on the solar panels.
CARIPUR H2O also removes bacteria, chlorine, water-soluble heavy metals from water.
How CARIPUR H2O work let’s understand with water analytics
Why does water need a filtration process?
There are many reasons to buy CARIPUS H20 with water analytics.
Water is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen. Due to some reason water becomes acidic when the Ph level is greater than 7. Acidic water is harmful to health so we want to maintain ph level less than seven using a water purification system.
Before you decide to attach a water filtration system in your home, school, college, and any other first check ph value of water after that decide which type of water purification system you require.
In a water purification system, 50 to 60 % of water is released in the form of wastewater, in the water purification process after purification of water, the quantity of wastewater is more than the purified water.
When your wattage is more than purification is not a valuable purification system, so you have options to purchase a water purification system that purifies 90% or more water and decreases the percentage of wastage water.
After using a water purification system rate of disease is decreased by
20 % because most of the disease happens due to dring polluted water.
Nowadays CARIPUR H2O water purification system is that only advance system that Provides you 99.9% of pure and freshwater.