Enhance Your Child’s Athletics Experience With SCA Athletics Programs


Sports help children develop physical, mental, emotional skills, get exercise, make friends, have fun, learn teamwork, learn to play fair, and improve self-esteem. Sport isn’t just good for children’s bodies; it’s good for their minds too. Studies have shown that sport has psychological benefits for children and adolescents and teaches them important life skills.

On one hand, many schools are reducing or eliminating physical education as budgets shrink and class time becomes a greater priority. But Springs Christian Academy gives equal importance to sports programs. SCA Athletics allows children to become more knowledgeable about the coaching, team values, behaviors, and attitudes. Your child’s behavior and attitude reflect a combination of the coaching and your discussions about good sportsmanship and fair play.

Sports and Athletics Programs can do a number of benefits. Some of them are –
a) Emotional Benefits – Physical activity has been shown to stimulate chemicals in the brain that make you feel better and enhance their brain activity. So playing sport regularly improves children’s overall emotional wellbeing.
b) Physical Benefits – Development from sport goes beyond learning new physical skills. Sport helps children develop better ways to cope with the highs and lows of life. It makes them physically strong.
c) Social Benefits – Playing sport means children are expected to follow rules, accept decisions, and understand that they could be penalized for bad behavior. It teaches them to take directions from the coach, referees, and other adults.
d) Mental Growth – Sports help children to develop their mental strength and ability. It will encourage the children to take the decisions of their life wisely.

So, it is mandatory to have proper sports arrangements in the schools for the full development of the students. Springs Christian Academy Total Athletics Program Winnipeg gives kids the opportunity to move in different planes and directions and build confidence in them. Not only does playtime allow kids to expend energy, but it affords them an opportunity to solve problems and think for themselves.

Springs Christian Academy offers multiple games and sports for all levels of students. They not only provide the best Christian education in Winnipeg but also focus on developing the students’ mental, physical, and social abilities. SCA arrange different tournaments for various level of students and teach them that success is not the same thing as winning, and failure is not the same thing as losing. So, just give your best and perform to the full of your ability.