Spa pools NZ


If you are looking for an energy efficient New Zealand made spa pool, we can help with our high-quality and energy-efficient Eco Spa. The Eco Spa is portable and manufactured right here in New Zealand specifically for NZ homeowners, renters and businesses, plus all the parts we use to manufacture our energy-efficient spas are sourced in NZ.
Spa Pools for Sale NZ

We are a family-owned and operated business, this means you can depend on the quality of the spa you get from us. Plus, our prices are affordable. You will also save money while you own your spa because of the low running costs that are possible with our energy-efficient features.

What sets us apart from the competition are the energy efficiency features of our spa pools. More specifically the high thermal efficiency, we fully encase the undersides of the Eco Spa with closed-cell marine foam. This adds insulation so there is less energy required to heat the water in your spa which is good for your comfort levels, your energy bills, and the environment.

Light Weight

Weighing at only 140kg our Eco Spas are easy to transport, maneuver, and lift on to most decks and patios.

Energy Efficient

With high thermal efficiency due to the closed-cell marine foam that fully encases the underside of the spa, reduces the energy required to run an Eco Spa.

Plug in and spa

Eco Spas use a standard 10amp plug so it will fit into a regular household power socket.

At Eco Spa, we aim to provide New Zealander’s a high quality, energy efficient and affordable spa pool. We offer both residential and commercial spa and hot tub solutions, all made to the highest standards of quality.

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