Hair Stylist Tips While Keeping Social Distance


Are you thinking about getting a haircut during the pandemic? Well, you are definitely not the first one. Although we rarely consider hairstylists or barbers as essential workers, we need their services, especially after months of lockdown.

We’ve stayed at home for months, in isolation, or working remotely. All of society was affected and our social lives have changed during these few months. However, as the restrictions begin to ease, we desperately want to get back to normal. And getting back to normal includes, among other things, going to our favorite North Miami hair salon. It’s not something we can’t live without, but it’s something that helps us feel better about ourselves, which is important during this difficult period.

But how can we go back to a hair salon and feel safe? How should we prepare for the first visit to a hair stylist in North Miami during the pandemic? Are there any alternatives? Let’s try to answer these questions in this short guide:

Getting a haircut at your favorite hair salon – is it safe?

Social distancing is tough when it comes to haircuts. After all, it’s close to impossible to get a haircut or get your hair dyed from six feet. And being close to someone is the quickest way to spread the coronavirus. But what are the solutions?

The first obvious solution is to wear a mask. Both you, the customer, and the hairstylist should wear one while working, even though you cannot practice social distancing. Also, use other protective personal equipment, like gloves or face shields. There’s more good news:

– the new coronavirus cannot survive on your hair for long; in fact, it cannot survive for more than a few hours on any kind of surface

– hair salons and barber shops are already very strict when it comes to hygiene; there are very strict rules in this industry and many salons respect them (this was the case even before the pandemic)

Unfortunately, there is some bad news as well:

– many people who have COVID-19 are asymptomatic; they don’t have a fever, they don’t cough and many of them don’t even know they are infected; these people can spread the virus and are contagious; because they are asymptomatic, you cannot detect whether they are sick or not with a simple thermometer; simply put, infected people will get through

– direct transmission is a distinct possibility in hair salons, as customers come into close contact with staff

– masks and other protective personal equipment reduce the risk of infection, but they are not bulletproof

– social distancing measures help, but infected people can still spread the virus 10 to 20 feet away, especially in closed environments

Although the disease has mild symptoms and effects for many people, its consequences can be disastrous for the old and frail. In some cases, people recover after an acute COVID-19 episode but are suffering from long-term effects. The disease has been shown to permanently damage the health of many people. In short, getting a haircut at a North Miami hair salon can never be completely safe during the pandemic. There are risks, but they can be managed properly if you understand them.

What are the hair salons doing for their customers?

Hair salons across the country have imposed strict measures to ensure safety for their customers. They are doing as much as possible to stop the spread of the virus and keep everyone safe. Here are some of the precautions you may encounter when visiting a hair stylist in North Miami:

masks are required for anyone – both for customers and staff; in some cases, face shields and gloves will also be necessary, particularly for employees

– handwashing is more frequent – customers will be asked to wash their hands when entering the premises employees will have to wash their hands after each client; disinfecting soap should be used

– screening should be done both for customers and clients; the screening involves a short temperature check; every person who has a fever higher than 100 F will not be allowed to enter the salon

– only a limited number of people will be allowed in the salon; this number will be calculated on the size of the salon (the floor area)

– sanitation of surfaces will be done after each client; deep sanitation will be done every two to three days.

– hair stylists in North Miami and barbers should use fresh gloves after each client

Cutting your hair at home

Still scared of going to a North Miami hair salon? If yes, your safer alternative is to simply cut your hair at home. Here’s a short guide to help you out:

– have a plan of action – this comes from the professionals and it’s very important: always have a plan when it comes to cutting hair; decide what you want to cut, where, and how long you want it to be; ideally, you should keep it as simple as possible; after all, you are a beginner…

– gathering the tools you need – if you choose a simple cut, you’ll only need a handful of tools; the first tool to use is a clipper with guards – if your hair is thick, choose number 2, if your hair is thinning, choose number 4; for longer hair, you will need scissors, but make sure they are sharp; if you have “problem hair” ask a professional for guidance, preferably via a video call

– steady, steady, go! – start slowly and be patient; cut your hair gradually and see how it looks; cut more of it until you are happy; ideally, you should take no more than ¼ inch at a time; reassess and see if it looks good – this will help you see the results in real time; avoid making horizontal cuts and don’t try anything special, like point cutting; you don’t have the experience, and you will ruin your hair.

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