FIITJEE becomes Country’s 1st Coaching Institute to conduct National Level Proctored Online Test Successfully!


New Delhi; 16-08-2020: Amidst current restricted situation due to COVID-19, FIITJEE- India’s leading institute for Engineering Entrance Exam preparations has successfully conducted National Level Proctored Online Scholarship cum Admission Test (POSAT) and Proctored Online Scholarship Test (POST) on 2nd August 2020.

FIITJEE is the country’s First institute to conduct any test using Remote Proctoring Technology. It is yet another Achievement added to FIITJEE’s Success Story!

More than 15000 students from different states, towns and even from villages appeared in the test without facing any language or technical challenge. Students from all corners of India appeared in the test. Students used Laptop, Desktop, tab and Smart mobile phone to appear in the test. Students who used mobile as device were also able to appear in the test successfully and smoothly. Even the test was conducted successfully in the low bandwidth area.

FIITJEE had set up a Large-Scale Help Centre that was available to provide instant support to students. The Entire process was conducted in a very professional manner. The support was well appreciated by students & parents.

Prior to the exam date, FIITJEE also provided Mock Test for all the Registered Students so that they could practice and get the real experience of the proctored test. Students were allowed to appear thrice in the mock test.

It was a 3-tier Proctoring System wherein the First-tier was handled by Artificial Intelligence, the Second-tier by FIITJEE’s trained Live Online Proctor (Invigilator) and the Third-tier is Post Test proctoring by Examination Supervisor with the help of periodic Images Captured during the test, Video Recording and Click-by-click audit trail of the student.

Proctored Online Test was a replica of FIITJEE’s Offline Test where invigilation of the test was done through Live Online Proctor with the help of Artificial Intelligence. Students were supervised with the help of the camera and mic on their Laptop / Desktop / Mobile.

During the test, students’ all actions and activities were recorded and supervised remotely. Proctor got notified if any student was suspected of cheating through a detailed log of suspicious browser activity and audio-visual events that has been recorded during the exam. Proctor was allowed to send a warning to the student at any time through chat very much similar to offline invigilation.

The Proctored Online Scholarship Test (POST) was conducted for all FIITJEE Classroom Program students who have already taken admission during lockdown through Home Based Online Admission Tests. The Proctored Online Scholarship cum Admission Test (POSAT) was for Class VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI,XII and XII Pass students who wished to take admission in FIITJEE Classroom / Live Online Classroom Program.