Enjoy The Facility Of UbiTrack Monitoring Device At A Reasonable Cost


In any industrial monitoring system, one can only ask for the best one. UbiTrack has the ultimate technology of face recognition or camera linkage that compares to no other brand so far. Be its use for industrial sector or hospital or prison, it will work smoothly and provide the best service. The new RTLS Solutions is a technology that is heavily used in the industrial sector especially in various construction sites or industries where a lot of workers work on a daily basis. It helps to keep a good tamper-free badge that is easily detectable.
In a warehouse full of workers and important materials it is very important to keep an eye on things. But, it is not possible to recruit as many human securities as the size of the warehouse. Also with the help of technology, it will be a thorough security process that will assure and keep data of everything. The Warehouse Stock Monitoring Device is one of the best security systems for a warehouse of an industry that keeps the whole are under scrutiny and saves the data for future reference. The workers who are associated with the warehouse are also under this. The device uses a face monitoring device to monitor each and every worker by face.
This technology is also available for prison or hospital so that people residing there are under control. The prison inmates are also given non-removable wristbands so that they cannot get away with it. It also has a connection with the security device pf the prison so that if anybody wants to escape from the prison then the security guards will receive an alarm instantly.
This is a great device that is available at a very reasonable price for places like that. Similar technology is used in hospitals so that each and every patient is counted for management purposes. In big hospitals with multiple wings, it is very necessary to keep patients on the check and similarly, an alarm goes to the authority if anyone is in danger.
UbiTrack devices use a special technology called ultra-wideband which is very reliable and it can detect a person within 10cm. The devices have an online tracking facility which makes it very easy to handle. It is one of the best device technologies for warehouse tracking at a cheap price.

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For more details about our products and services, you can mail us email sales@ubitrack.com.