A.M.P. FIT NATION Introduced A.M.P. Fit Kids, a curriculum for Kid to Prepare Them for Real-World Situation


A.M.P. FIT NATION introduced A.M.P. Fit Kids to train the kids to explore their potential through workout class, self-motivation, and character building. The mentor of this community, Tamir Chester also known as “Energy God Congo,” is a fitness trainer, coach and wellness expert.

A.M.P. FIT NATION, a company that focuses on youth character development, has amplified

children and youths to explore and find their greatness and hidden potential through character building class and boot camp. The founder of A.M.P. FIT NATION, Tamir Chester, is also known as “Energy God Congo, is a high-performance coach and wellness motivator. He has trained some celebrities and became an inspiration. He encouraged children and youths through A.M.P. F.I.T. Nation programs that help youths to build their character, endurance, fortitude, and courage. Due to his tragic loss of a mother of his two children in 2016, then he found a motto, “We won’t let the kids down,” he wanted his children to grow stronger without their mother. Thus, he launched A.M.P. Fit Kids, a curriculum that is set up to prepare kids to face real-world situations. The A.M.P. Fit Kids offers Greatness Character Development Classes and workshops for K through 12 grades.

The founder of A.M.P. FIT NATION, Tamir Chester, said, “The A.M.P. FIT NATION would like to make the world and the community evolve and share the A.M.P. Fit journey to show to the world what it means, as well as obtain your maximum potential through our mentoring”.

Tamir Chester is a mentor, coach, and motivator, who influences and encourages people to discover themselves stronger whomever they are. Tamir and his company aim to help and overcome mental blocks obstacles that the youth are facing.


A.M.P. F.I.T. Nation was founded in 2012 and became a company in 2016. The company has grown and impacted the community for eight years. A.M.P. F.I.T. Nation’s goals are to inspire, teach, and train the youth. The company also continues to collaborate within the community and maintain positive energy in the health and fitness industry. The founder Tamir Chester has worked with local businesses, schools and gyms. He also appeared on Fox Atlanta news and featured in numerous videos. podcast, school events, sharing his experience with everyone. For more information about Tamir Chester, and A.M.P. F.I.T. Nation programs, please visit https://www.ampfitnation.com/.



Energy God (Congo)

Exercise Evolutionist


Website: https://www.ampfitnation.com/