Home water filtration system at the time of Covid-19


Water is a very essential element in every person’s life. Having safe and clean water for drinking is necessary for regulation of the body temperature, hydrating cells, stirring nutrients into our cells, and flushing toxins contaminants out of our body.
With the current spread of the COVID-19 virus (Coronavirus), we have seen sell-outs of many daily essentials like toilet paper, food, and bottled water. People are mainly concerned about having sufficient drinking water for themselves and their households.
While the U.S. Department of Homeland Security essentials Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) suggests that storing one gallon of water for every person for every day for a period of 14 day as a general emergency alertness guideline, at this time federal agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
They are recommending people to use the whole house water filter. The World Health Organization (WHO) has specified that the COVID-19 virus has not been found in drinking water. Subsequently, it is recommended that Americans continue to use home water filtration systems without any other major concern for its safety.
This is a myth that drinking water every 15 minutes might flush out the coronavirus and protect you from COVID-19. Another water-based myth also floating around the internet is that taking a bath in hot water will prevent a COVID-19 virus infection. The theory behind this is it will raise your body temperature and deactivate the virus.
Advantages of a Whole House Filtration System
The whole house water filter will remove chlorine and other chemicals without releasing them in the air.
By removing virus from the water for your laundry, these viruses won’t be entrenched in your clothing.
Your water filter system in drinking water is overall healthful and is significantly improved by using a whole house water filter system.
Whole house water filter systems are the effective means home water filtration system, as chlorine and other chemical toxins are removed at a lower temperature.
Covid-19 viruses are properly eliminated by whole house water filters.
Whole house water filter systems provide more reliable protection against faults and failures in municipal water utility treatment and sanitation systems in this crisis situation.
Whole house water filters like Bondurant also provide low maintenance. Instead of replacement of three or more filters at the appropriate intervals to receive the same level of water filtration, you only need to replace one filter.

You can purchase it through bonduranttechnologies.com it is specially designed and the world’s first intelligent point of entry cistern drinking water purification platform which is high water quality analysis and 360-degree real time view of system status.
Visit: https://www.bonduranttechnologies.com/