Why to book a consultation with disability discrimination lawyer Los Angeles?


Under California and federal laws, people with disabilities shouldn’t be discriminated against in employment matters. In simple words, a person who has a disability must be given the same opportunity to be hired as that of a non-disabled person. It’s the duty of Employers and potential employers to duty to reasonably accommodate disabled job applicants and employees. If you feel that you were discriminated against or denied at work then you can approach a disability discrimination lawyer Los Angeles to pursue a claim for damages.

What do you mean by disability discrimination?

As per the Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA, and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), disability discrimination is prohibited. Under the ADA and FEHA, proper accommodation should be made for employees with disabilities, such as:

· Disabilities can vary considerably and cover a broad range

· Arranging wheelchairs, walkers, medical equipment

· Proper physical structures such as ramps, wide doors, open space

· Restrooms with accessible wheelchairs

· Modification of furniture and accessories

· Easy schedules to accommodate employees

· Ask your disability discrimination attorney in Los Angeles for modifications in-laws

Employers are also required to make reasonable accommodations for the employees must be able to perform the required duties of the job at issue.

Contact a disability discrimination lawyer Los Angeles for Consultation:

If you feel like you are denied or unable to work due to your disability as an employer didn’t make a reasonable effort to accommodate your disability, you may claim for compensation. Cumming & Franck P.C is the right place where all your issue would be listened to and provided you with a reliable solution. It is advisable to speak with our disability discrimination lawyer Los Angeles attorney to discuss the particular details involved in your situation.

Feel free to get in touch to schedule a complimentary consultation to get Compensation for lost salary, benefits, emotional pain and suffering, sometimes punitive damages. Our team of expert lawyers would be happy to assist you!!