Why Does a Baby Need Helmet?: Have you ever seen a baby wearing a helmet in the grocery store or at the park? Those babies aren’t gearing up for the big game. They are patients in a therapy program that provides cranial remodeling helmet in New Jersey. They wear the helmets because they need to have their skull reshaped in a way that allows for the typical and appropriate development of the bones in the face and skull. This is known as helmet therapy in some circles.
Is Helmet Therapy the Only Treatment for Children with Positional Plagiocephaly?
Doctors can recommend treatments that include physical therapies, therapeutic helmets, and/or surgeries. The treatment plan depends on the case. For example, a child may have torticollis, a condition in which the neck muscles are shorter on one side, causing the baby to twist its neck. The doctor will identify the condition and make a recommendation for treatment that is safe and affordable.
With help, plagiocephaly can be improved. Some babies do not benefit from physical therapy alone, leading medical professionals to recommend the use of a therapeutic medical baby helmet.
Where can I find a Baby Helmet?: This question is common when somebody has a child who requires special care in the form of a therapeutic helmet. First of all, the official name for the device is Cranial Remodeling Orthoses (CRO, for short). The helmet protects protruding areas while guiding the skull shape as the child continues to grow. This is important to know if you are on the hunt for a cranial helmet in New Jersey.
Asymmetrical skull shapes can be treated with a cranial helmet. It is imperative to look into this treatment because a misshaped skull can later affect development for the child. Medical professionals are the best people to consult if you have questions regarding this innovative medical treatment.
To learn more, contact a local Center: www.shorthillscranialcenter.com.