Embark On Your Journey Of Healing With Find Your Ray


Energy healing is a holistic practice of establishing harmony within your energy system to
heal from everything that is pulling you down. For centuries, the Chinese, the Japanese, and
the Hindu cultures have practiced energy healing through meditation, acupuncture, etc.
The therapy of energy healing helps you to begin your journey of healing by getting rid of all
the negative energy and replacing it with positivity and balance.
Find Your Ray is an energy healing center that aims to provide you with healing your energy
requires. Let’s take a look at how they work.

Emotion coding session
The emotion coding is an energy healing technique that helps your healing journey by
recognizing and releasing your trapped emotions.
These trapped emotions are from your past traumas and emotional baggage. You
subconsciously store them as negative energy in your body. Trapped emotions resist
happiness, and can lead to depression and anxiety.
The emotions trapped in our energy can harm your physical as well as your mental health.
Emotion coding rids your energy system from these harmful emotional energies.

Reiki Energy Healing
The term ‘Reiki’ comes from Japan and combines the wisdom of God with energy (rei+ki).
Quite similarly, the process of reiki energy healing channels the universal energy to aid your
healing journey.
The therapy involves a variety of hand movements and gestures to channel the energy of
the universe. In many cases, reiki energy healing also heals various physical diseases and

To sum up
If you are looking for energy healing sessions with certified healers, Find Your Ray is just the
right place for you. Find Your Ray offers these energy healing sessions remotely to help you
heal in the comfort of your home. However, if the nature of the treatment demands it, the
sessions can be conducted in person as well.
Ray, the healer at Find Your Ray, initiates her sessions by communicating with her patients
to know them and understand their energy. She believes it makes the therapy more
effective and easier on the patient.