Caring For the Newborn Baby during the Pandemic


New parents can seek out social supports and external help when a child is born, but what happens when we are all restricted to our homes? What happens when families are hit with sudden job loss, loss of childcare, and other restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic? Here are a few suggestions given by the children’s doctor in Brisbane that you can look through.

• Try all the soothing tricks. Try holding them, feeding them, swaddling them, gently rocking them, singing to them. If these don’t work, put the baby down and take a break. Be sure your baby is in a safe sleep environment.

• Pay attention to your own needs. The challenges of new mothers can certainly feel overwhelming sometimes. Rest as much as you can and try sleeping when the baby does. Find time for yourself when your partner or other caring adult watches the baby.

• Connect with others. Social distancing during the COVID-19 outbreak can be isolating. Try video chats or social media to stay in touch. If you’re a friend or relative on the receiving end of these calls, listen first before offering suggestions.

• Seeking help is important. Depression is the most common mental illness that is surging during this time. If you had a history of depression before your baby was born, you may be at higher risk for postpartum depression.

Never hesitate to call for advice. One of the best medical facilities in the city has the best panel of children’s doctor, travel doctor in Brisbane, etc. that you can get in touch with. Communicate your problems over the phone to get immediate help.

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