Internal Security Overview


According to Karani Nyamu, the global security environment is now more challenging than it has ever been. Governments in most countries have increased spending in the face of an escalation in both the spectrum and number of conflicts.

Karani Nyamu says that knowing what new threats and opportunities may arise in a fast changing environment is a key function of government in its mandate as a guarantor of development and security (public safety). Karani Nyamu adds it is thus critical to have the organizational agility to take adequate steps, pro-actively as well as reactively, in response to changes in particular threats and also opportunities.

Karani Nyamu, avers that today the challenge is not lack of information but information overload that leads to a deficiency of attention. As Karani Nyamu further explains, this complicates the process of filtering out the critical signals from the distracting noise. Furthermore in government, departments and agencies operate in silos, information may not be shared and thus critical pieces needed to complete the picture never make their way to those who can make sense of them.

According to Karani Nyamu, majority of the Police Service’s are largely manual in their processes, greatly reducing their efficiency and resulting in a number of challenges such as;

• Speedy access to critical decision making data
• Loss of data stored on paper.
• Litigation risk.
• Slow response time and citizen dissatisfaction.
• Data inaccessibility and storage costs.
• Manual processes and operational bottlenecks.

Manual processes inevitably create operational bottlenecks that negatively affect performance. Karani Nyamu says, our Virtual Police Station (VPS), addresses this by providing information speedily and in an organized logical manner from which value can be quickly derived.

For more information Karani Nyamu is an CEO of Crest Corporation (An innovative real estate company) visit our website