How Ready Is Your Business For The Next Pandemic Onslaught?


Coronavirus pandemic will gradually go away in the future but everyone needs to find the answers to the following questions.
· How has it affected us?
· Have we learned any lessons?
The Effect of Coronavirus Pandemic on Businesses
The effect of this pandemic on the world is so huge. It is even more than war or natural disasters. It has affected almost every aspect of human endeavor.
It has touched industries, health sector, finance, travels, schools, and even leisure. Some institutions are hit worse than others.
The Benefits of Cloud Computing During The Pandemic
Cloud computing and other types of digital transformation have changed how organizations carry out their work and provide services to their customers.
Demand for cloud computing keep increasing. Cloud computing provides almost all the foundation, structures, and tools to drive digital transformation.
The unplanned adoption of cloud computing has led experts in the cybersecurity space and even those in the World Economic Forum to predict that there can be a cyber-pandemic due to this rapid and unplanned move. Therefore, digital transformation is driving cloud computing.
The Benefits of Cloud Computing:
· Shifting your business model to a secured cloud will help you pay for resources that you use. Service-based payment instead of asset purchases help save cost.
· Scalable. Computing resources, network, or storage can be increased or decreased almost immediately and infinitely in response to fluctuations in demand.
· Agile. Developers can continuously improve their applications and the upgraded applications can be passed on to customers many times daily.
· Always Available. Redundancy and disaster recovery are improved by cloud vendors that provide multiple geographical availability zones and uptime SLAs.
In our opinion, the most important benefit of cloud computing is allowing companies to focus wholly on their business excellence. While, others like non core functions like software, platforms, infrastructure, elements are left to cloud vendors.
· It creates a boom in E-commerce. There was an explosion in online shopping during the lockdown. Many got food and other essential supplies online. Online shoppers who use cloud were able to scale rapidly without any constraint during the increase in demand.
IndSoft Systems, a leading provider of cloud services, Mr. Murphy John, Cloud Vertical, stated: “The crisis has been a lesson in staying ahead of the curve when it comes to cloud deployment. The right partner to scale capacity as demand spike”.
Though IT spending in 2020 was expected to be low due to the pandemic, many companies expanded their use of the cloud.
Our cloud is designed specifically for businesses that want a secure + scalable cloud. A right partner will go a long way in the success of cloud strategy. “while the cloud may have been an experimental investment for many companies 10 or 20 years ago, its necessity today is indisputable” added Mr. John
In this post-pandemic world, with increasing cloud computing, one should make sure that the business picks up the right cloud partner, this will help take your business to the next level.
Visit to see the range of clouds. It starts at $ 9.99. Your key-business enabler should be a cloud.