Reaction quote by Mr. Shishir Jaipuria, Co-Chairman, FICCI ARISE; Chairman, Seth Anandram Jaipuria Education Society


National Education Policy 2020 offers a number of well-reasoned and bold reformative steps in the right direction. It conveys a clear bias for disruptive change to meet the future learning needs. This is indeed very heartening and greatly welcome. The policy very well addresses most of the critical issues that daunt our current education landscape. Various change and reform proposals especially in the areas of Early Childhood Education, Teacher Education, Curriculum and Pedagogical Structure, Assessment and Accreditation, Self-Governance and Standardised learning for both private and public schools, if implemented in true ‘letter and spirit’ by all stakeholders shall undoubtedly transform the overall educational ecosystem in the country. However, with the growing demand of investment required for India to reach SDG 4 by 2030, it would be unrealistic to expect such large investments coming solely from the government and purely philanthropic initiatives. The current regime, has always been strong on reforms to leapfrog sectors in the country. It is time they open up the education sector to private investment that will bring the cost of the education down and help in meeting the diverse needs of the country.