Covid-19 Announcement by Holistic Dentistry NJ- Dr. Philip E. Memoli


Dear Patients and Friends,

We hope you and your family are in good health. As a result of the COVID Crisis, we are implementing a combination of infection control recommendations made by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the CDC (The Center for Disease Control) and the ADA (American Dental Association.

The following is a summary of these recommendations:
A)Pre-Appointment screening: we are required to ask questions related to fever, shortness of breath, cough, flu-like symptoms (headache, fatigue and GI upset or diarrhea), loss of taste or smell, systemic disease (heart, lung, kidney, diabetes or autoimmune) and recent travel to a COVID infected region (NY or NJ or out of the country).

B)Office arrival: upon arrival you may call the front desk (908)464-9144) (Note: Due to a shortage of employees an outside person is answering and may not pick up. You may enter the waiting room and advise us you are waiting in your car. Give us your cell number and we will call you when your room is ready. Most patients in the waiting room will be put in their respective treatment room.

3) Patient comfort levels:

A)If you feel you are high risk for infection or have extreme anxiety (over COVID), we request you delay your appointment until the risk decreases.

B)The office stocks all approved anti-COVID sanitizers and room disinfectants.

C)Additional office and room disinfection

Water particulate and disinfection units recently installed in all dental units.
Flushing of all dental water lines by a professional company with daily maintenance.
Minimal use of dental sprays (especially during hygiene appointments)
A dental device that isolates the tooth to prevent alcoholization instead of collecting the aerosol after it forms.
Remember: the aerosol is more dangerous to the doctor and staff-these are your organisms. (not ours!).

D)Please be advised that over 150 viruses are constantly circulating on the planet. The CDC has acknowledged most viruses only survive for 15 seconds outside of the body. Our staff and our patients are being screened and pre-screened before entering the office.

Contact us: –

Call us: – (908) 464-9144