Roel Schaart – internationally accredited Advanced Certified Practitioner #31


Since July 2020, Roel Schaart has been the world”s number 31 Advanced Certified Practitioner, a title awarded by the Assessments 24×7 team. This team of experts has developed five robust assessment certification programs, designed specifically for coaches and corporate trainers alike. The certified coaches receive indefinite “coach mentorship,” ensuring their learning never ends and no question goes unanswered. Each of the Practitioners completes 10-15 hours of additional specialized training, per assessment certification.

The Advanced Certified Practitioners have completed the greatest training, and therefore possess the most comprehensive skillset. The goal of these training certifications is to further bridge the gap between assessment content and interactive application through workshops and facilitation. Only 31 people worldwide went through the certification process for all 5 evidence based coaching solutions, which include DISC, Motivators, Emotional Intelligence, Critical Thinking (HVP), and Learning Styles.

“I am acutely aware of the many challenges that executives are facing today. My goal is to show what changes can be made and how they lead to optimum results,” said Roel Schaart, ICF Master Certified Coach. One of Roel Schaart’s main topics is to make leaders even more successful. For this purpose, he also relies on evidence based coaching solutions to explore positive outcomes in the areas of employee selection, leadership development, sales and customer service training, teambuilding, communication and collaboration training, conflict resolution, and succession planning.

“I am very proud to be the world”s thirty-first ranked Advanced Certified Practitioner and to pass on my knowledge in a practical way,” Roel Schaart added.

Read more about Roel Schaart – Increase your impact – Increase your success: