KISD Announces Additional Health & Safety Procedures


Killeen/2020: As Killeen ISD prepares to begin the 2020-2021 school year, the District continues to monitor and adapt to the spread of COVID-19. As a result, additional protocols will be added for traditional in-person instruction, as the health and safety of our students, staff, and the community continues to be our top priority.

Students and staff will be required to wear face coverings, outside of any Executive Order mandate when social distancing cannot be maintained. The District’s face covering requirement will have some exclusions, as some may need an accommodation.

However, the district’s face covering requirement will stay in place if Governor Greg Abbott’s order is lifted or until otherwise announced. Students and staff will be allowed to wear their own face covering, provided they are not a distraction and within the dress code. The district is developing a plan to distribute the personal protection equipment received by TEA to campuses.

Additionally, the district will evaluate and create strategic transitions for students to include entry and exit plans, as well as outline routines for transition periods to reduce congestion in hallways and communal areas. Classroom teachers will have the ability to establish “teacher zones” around their desks/workspaces to allow for a safe distance to be maintained between students and educators during the school day. The teacher zones will be easily identified by students and included in our Traditional In-person training for staff and students.

Students and employees will be encouraged to regularly wash or sanitize their hands and receive proper hand washing training. All district employees will receive specific COVID-19 training designed to mitigate the potential spread of the virus.

Killeen ISD parents will continue to have the option for their child to begin the school year in-person or through a virtual learning platform, designed and delivered by KISD educators.