Benefits of a Mobile Friendly LMS for Your Association


Thinking beyond “send only” learning will put your association above the rest. We often design continuing education environments with a limited and pragmatic strategy that requires members to try to unpackage and “learn” the material on their own. It forces the learner into an inefficient and less-than-pleasant learning experience.

Thinking about our learners empathetically helps us design learning environments that are effective sources of information and that also increase the knowledge connections and personal growth of association members.

Top Learning Management Systems adopt a mobile-friendly LMS that is designed with empathy to offer unique appeal to members and meet their needs in a way other programs cannot. Start by focusing on the present and future contexts in which your members already process or acquire knowledge.

How Mobile Are Your Members?

Understanding the mobility of your learner population, their ownership and use of different mobile devices, and how they use their devices for accessing information is vital to designing empathetic learning products. Learning products that engage your members in their own time, place and way of learning. It removes the barrier of them reaching you.
Designing learning environments for mobile learners is beyond the infrastructure and making sure that all your course materials can be accessed on a mobile device.

In fact, such a limited strategy can inevitably result in frustration for learners. Mobile, web-based learning is also about context, time constraints, and sizes of information consumed at any one time. Not surprisingly, mobile e-Learning takes place on different mobile devices beyond laptops and desktops.

The Advantages of Mobile Learning

Mobile learning, when explored beyond just the way learners physically access material, provides a social learning opportunity with high engagement and even develops into booming social communities.
The flexibility provided by online courses and mobile applications results in higher retention of learned content and higher completion rates.

Higher retention rates

Social learning is engaging, and when people interact with content, they’re more likely to understand and fully absorb it. A responsive LMS offers a workspace where professionals can share, talk, and promote their work.

Highlights concepts in action and provides real-world application of classroom theory where online learners can see the principles in action.

Higher completion rates

In a digital learning environment, learners can learn at their own pace and don’t have to wait for courses to be released or for exams to be scheduled so they can progress forward. Course completion rates are higher and your less likely to lose engaged members between traditional learning quarters.

Higher engagement

A great benefit of mobile learning is better access to educators and peers. Having mobile apps that are user-friendly encourages more frequent engagement and generates the creation of a strong digital community.

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