Dukedom Grand Dollars and Denarios, Banknote of Sahara

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 4a027c0a-6bc1-49ec-a0d6-c785dc5e70b4.jpgThe Federal Reserve of GOV IUKAC tries a lot to create a good image of our banknote. We have online or virtual Federal Reserve of GOV IUKAC. Maybe 20 country of the world have virtual online Federal Reserve or central bank.Our bank contacts all bank in Europe and Asia to begin businessThe Dukedom Grand Dollars have value today of. 1 Dukedom Grand Dollars = 2.75 USA dollars. And value of Denario is 1 Denario = 2.79 USA dollars. We have a few special currencies for government of 100 million Dukedom Grand Dollars and little 20, 100, 500, Dukedom Grand Dollars. We will continue the development of our project. We assign 500 million Dukedom Grand Dollars to worldwide international bank, monetary union. We hope we can continue development of our project with our currency. The value with warranty treasure is 1 D.G.D. = 5.00 dollars by one. Without treasure the stock value today is 2.75 USA dollars. We will continue diplomacy with different nations.
And we choose a new leader for GOV IUKAC Empire and our monetary project. 500 D.G.D. we will change face by other to stop a conflict of interest with other organizations.WE WILL CONTINUE INFORMATION BY THE GRACE OF GOD KING LUDWIG FALKENSTEINEXECUTIVE OFFICE OF KING LUDWIG FALKENSTEIN FEDERAL RESERVE OF GOV IUKAC ONLINE goviukac@gmail.com