Why you require asbestos testing & risk assessments?


Any architecture, manufacturing and industrial facility holder planning refurbishes or demolishes any structure insulated piping, or heavy machinery has the potential of encountering asbestos-containing materials (ACMs).

The work on any refurbishes or demolishes of a building project can come to a halt if the employees encounter any building material that is suspected of being ACM and was not previously identified and confirmed. As per the regulations, certain types of ACMs must be removed by a certified Asbestos testing Auckland Abatement Contractor before commencing any renovation/demolition activities.

An asbestos management plan has been used in numerous building manufactures material and vehicle products because it added strength, stability, resisted corrosion, improved heat and chemical resistance, and provided acoustical insulation.

What do you about Asbestos?

The term asbestos refers to different types of naturally occurring minerals that fall into two main categories:

1. Serpentine asbestos, also called white asbestos. Chrysotile is the only ingredient of the serpentine category that contains 95% of asbestos that is used in commercial applications worldwide.

2. Amphibole asbestos, which includes amosite (brown asbestos), crocidolite (blue asbestos), anthophyllite, tremolite, and actinolite

These minerals are resilient, reliable, heat and corrosion-resistant, don’t dissolve in water, and microbes cannot break them down, and these properties make them suitable for various commercial applications.

Risk Assessments

All Clear Group has a team of professionals who are State Certified for all the aspects of asbestos testing Auckland management required for project renovation/demolition to minimize worker’s exposure and minimize owners’ liability. Every decision and action we have taken is to better support our customers.

If you want to Asbestos testing for a property in Auckland, All clear team offers comprehensive testing that you can trust. We are partner with another leader, Analytica Laboratories, to provide the best in reliable and quality services to determine the right outcomes for testing properties & vehicles.

Get in touch with us to discuss asbestos testing a home today. We would be glad to help you!!!