loan on credit


Getting a loan on a credit card is a much easier alternative to the conventional option of applying for a loan from your bank. Not only do bank loans involve a very tedious application process, but it many times comes with higher interest rates and stricter conditions like having collateral. With O3 Cards you get to enjoy convenient access to loans on your credit card.

This article is a quick guide on how you can apply for a loan on credit cards in Nigeria with O3 Cards.

O3 credit cards come with pre-approved cash limits which can be used and replenished by you when you pay back a certain percentage. However, when you apply for a loan on your credit card, you are offered a whole sum which can be above or within your regular credit card limit as long as you are eligible. This loan will be credited to your card and must be repaid in agreed instalments.

Applying For A Loan On Credit Cards

To apply for a loan on your credit card with O3 cards, you must first be an O3 cardholder. O3 cards offer credit card loans of up to N2, 000,000 with repayment conveniently spread over 3-6 months. To apply, you simply fill out this online application form and within 24 hours, you will receive a confirmation of your eligibility and will receive your credit card through your preferred courier service.

Benefits of Loans on Credit Cards

– Easy to Secure

O3 Cards loans on credit cards relieve you the stress of bank loan applications. They are fast, require no documentation, and can be done from the convenience of your mobile device.

– Suitable for Urgent Needs

03 Credit card loans are designed for instant access, helping you meet urgent financial needs even while on the move. With an approved loan on your credit card, you can make cashless payments anywhere in Nigeria.

– Require No Collateral

You do not need collateral or a guarantor in order to access loans on a credit card with O3 cards. Eligibility requirements for O3 credit card loan are simple:

– Between 21 – 55 years of age

– Resident in Nigeria

– A salary earner with at least a gross monthly salary of ₦200, 000 or an Entrepreneur with a 6 month average turnover of ₦200, 000.

Open to Any Bank User

O3 Cards offers you non-bank-issued credit card loans, this way you can enjoy cash advances regardless of which bank you operate.

Need urgent financial help? Apply today for a loan on a credit card with O3 cards.

Contact Us
For more detail – inquire us at 07006322737 or 012777630
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