Meet David StoccardoAnd Learn More AboutTransparsoft


Founded in 2015, Transparsoft is a leading New Age Technology company located in Bradenton, FL specializing in IoT (Internet of Things), Blockchain, and Artificial Intelligence. With over 50 years of combined experience,our main goal is to provide a comprehensive software development package to each ofour clients byoffering a wide range of custom solutions for a variety of industries. We are a one stop shop for Software Development and pride ourselves on 100% transparency. Our relationship with clients is our number one priority; much of our business comes from existing relationships and we believe the key to nurturing those long-termbusiness relationships is complete honesty. Get more information about David Stoccardo

Who We Serve
At Transparsoft, we enjoy working with a variety of clients across many different industries. We aim to be your partner in the IT sector of your business and recognize that the ever-changing nature of technology presents the need for an ongoing relationship. We have a team of architects, developers, programmers, and marketing professionals working together to offer the highest standard of services to enterprises in need of a technology transformation.

Additional Services
In addition to IoT, Blockchain, and AI services, we also offer Enterprise Mobility, Progressive Web App Platform, Cloud Apps and Security, Data Analytics, Augmented Reality and Custom Web Design &Development. From innovative New Age solutions such as Facial Recognition Software to Chatbots to progressive web applications, we have the answer to all your Software Development concerns. And the best part is we already have a solution to your problem in place!For more information on our services and to check out some of our existing solutions, please check out