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QR Codes – A Gimmick, Or Are They Helpful?

What’s a QR Code?

QR stands for Rapid Response, fundamentally a new sort of barcode that may be scanned by your camera software installed on your smart phone. You will find a number of simple strategies QR Codes can embed information and facts which, once scanned, will display and shop on your phone immediately. Developing your very own QR Codes is free and definitely effortless for many people with a smart phone. Just Google the details, it’s all on the market and simple to seek out. Get more information regarding qr code

Invented within the 1990s by Denson-Wave in Japan, QR codes have taken off in the Far East, but the benefits are making a slower effect in the USA & Europe. However, after again the US is forging ahead of Europe in its take up of Fast Response technology. Many large companies in the US are using the benefits of QR technology to add value to their business, and it is only time before the smaller business community recognise the benefits of the Fast Response code as a business application that can enhance sales, with the bonus of print and marketing costs kept to a minimum.

The smart phone has seen a recent massive surge in popularity and now most people have the facts and the technology to scan a Quick Response code. The smart phone owner simply needs to visit their online apps shop to download the QR scanning software, which then enables them to instantaneously get scanning. The uses of this scanning technology are endless, and we’re starting to see Swift Response codes in print on aircraft liveries, huge billboards, magazine covers in fact, anywhere someone can point a phone to scan something, a QR code will probably soon appear. As people begin to recognise the QR symbol with its rise in popularity, many a lot more will let curiosity take the better of them and start scanning especially as it’s cost free.

Some uses of the QR technology

A simple application would be to have a QR code that’s hyperlinked to a page on a website. This saves people having to find the page using regular methods online. The QR code could be used to highlight a specific offer on the seller’s website and entice the reader to visit the online shop. I would predict that getting the end user to scan your Swift Response code is going to be a tough challenge unless you put some serious thought into how you instantaneously get people to scan for your facts. Manufacturers and resellers are going to find the technology useful for such things as adding extra product info to packaging and I’m sure a number of other uses.

A QR code that links to a YouTube video, that might be featuring product information, or maybe a ‘how to’ etc., would be extremely beneficial to the seller and would be a creative use of the technology, even extra so as QR codes are free to generate. Printed matter such as business cards, product brochures, letterheads, labels, envelopes – can all enjoy the benefits from QR codes technology with links back to the sender’s website.

You can even get a QR code to instantaneously dial a telephone number in your behalf, I haven’t seen this myself but have read about it on a marketing website. I suppose it is all well and good if you’re a business owner taking advantage of Speedy Response technology, but what about the average guy in the street, how will it help him? Well one way would be to offer Joe Bloggs a freebie of some sort, a promotional voucher perhaps that can be used to save money. As the QR scanned promotional voucher is downloaded to the phone, then it’s easily retrieved when the need to ‘cash in’ arises and the user then just follows the link to the online website.

With the rising popularity of Speedy Response codes another area I can see strides being taken towards implementing QR technology is on social bookmarking sites such as Facebook, et al. Gone are the days when your barcode has to be printed in black ink. QR codes can be printed, or simply viewed on a website, in a variety of colours however, care needs to be taken as certain colours don’t scan well so the user should check out the data first, with maybe a phone call to your print shop to immediately locate out how your code will be printed.

It would be no surprise to see Google involve itself with Fast Response codes and there has been talk of Google exploring payment gateways using the QR technology, so I’m sure you’ll find many people waiting to see what transpires with the online discussions.

QR technology – costs little to implement

I think as soon as the marketing community latch on to how easy sales can be created with the number of uses available for Speedy Response codes, then it’s only a matter of time before we discover the QR code become as familiar as the humble barcode. The average business likes to stay in tune with technological advances, so I’m sure Rapid Response codes are going to make a lot more of an effect some time soon.

Another huge benefit, often overlooked when considering the use of QR codes in your marketing, is the fact that from a print point of view, there should be no extra costs involved with having your free QR Codes printed, as it is basically just a 1 colour logo which adding to artwork is very quick. If your local print shop wants to charge you for adding the code to your stationery, then consider taking your business elsewhere.

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