Women’s Equality Day Virtual Summit Celebrates 2020 Centennial With Leadership Panel


Pasadena, CA, Jul 16, 2020 — 50/50 Leadership will be hosting its annual Women’s Equality Day Summit to celebrate the centennial anniversary of the 19th amendment virtually on Saturday, August 22nd, from 9 – 11:00 A.M. PST.

The celebratory event will start with an introduction made by 50/50 Leadership board member Christa Tipton. Claudia Puig, president of the Los Angeles Film Critics Association, will be moderating a panel discussion and will have six female panelists to answer the question, How Far Have We Come? and will conduct a virtual Q&A with the audience.

Among the panelists of women are Rachel Pittman; Executive Director of the United Nations Foundation, Lori Erickson; VP of Casting at CBS, Michelle Coughlin; Founder of MothersEsquire, and Vanessa McCarthy; Television Writer and Producer. Each speaker will discuss their career perspectives and how women are participating in our progression of equality.

The Women’s Equality Day Summit is also celebrating the female pioneers of the Women’s Suffrage Movement and their efforts in receiving the right to vote. “This year marks 100 years since the passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution giving women the right to vote” said Pauline Field, founder of 50/50 Leadership. “Their efforts, that were ultimately successful, are worth celebrating.”

Tickets can be purchased for $20 until August 21st through 5050leadership.org or directly though Eventbrite, http://50-50leadership.eventbrite.com. All proceeds from this event go directly to 50/50 Leadership to promote women’s equal leadership.

About 50/50 Leadership:
50/50 Leadership is a non-profit organization committed to empowering, educating, and inspiring women from all walks of life to become leaders. Founded in 2004 by Pauline Field, to shift culture so that women and men are equally likely to be leaders, the company provides a wide range of financial literacy programs, now held virtually, for women across America who have been in foster care, incarcerated, who have suffered from domestic violence, or have experienced homelessness.

Media Contact:
Pauline Field
50/50 Leadership