How to keep your heat pumps Christchurch working efficiently?


After you’ve had the heat pump installed on your property, you’ll be sitting back, and enjoying the comfort of the heat pump gives your home. It’s important, however, to ensure proper working of heat pumps Christchurch. When it comes to looking after your heat pump you should know a few of the maintenance must.
Keeping on top of your heat pump maintenance regularly makes them working with minimal efforts. Just as you would take out routine checks on your car, your heat pump is unique.
Carry out these straightforward steps to ensure your heat pump heating and cooling needs are met throughout the year.
Filter Cleaning
You can easily clean the filter on the indoor unit once every three months using a vacuum cleaner or by removing the screen and cleaning it using warm water, this will remove hard debris, and ensure proper airflow through your heat pumps Christchurch.
Keeping the area around the outdoor unit free from snow, ice, rubbish and other debris will go a long way by keeping your heat pump fully operational. It also reduces the cost of calling engineers.
One of the biggest causes of lack of airflow through your heat pump is the growth of vegetation or in the outdoor units. Regular cleaning of shrubs or trees can affect an integral part of any heat pumps Christchurch and its maintenance. You should ensure regular checks for your heat pumps, particularly during the summer months when the plant growth rate is more.
Surface Cleaning
Be sure to wash your outdoor unit about once every six months with a light hose or water leftover the other cleaning activities, this will go a long way towards reduces the corrosion of the unit. The regularity if surface cleaning will, of course, vary depending on the location of your heat pump, regular visual checks should be carried out.
Dimocks Energy has 35 years in business and 40 years in the electrical trade, we care for our customers so provide them great deals on the best quality products.
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