2 Platforms Android and iOS with Six Points of Difference


Here are the key differences between Android and iOS app development that will aid in the decision-making:
As far as cost is concerned, iOS app development is relatively more expensive than Android. This is because unlike iOS, Android app development platform is Open Source, insofar as development, and testing framework. This means that those going for Android app development will incur no additional developmental costs. As opposed to this, iOS app development requires developers to purchase official Apple development tools and frameworks before beginning with the actual development process itself.
Structure of the Project
As far as overall project flow and structure is concerned, Android follows a highly objective approach, with all file and resource nomenclature being distinctively categorized, and listed in an organized manner. While this may boost efficiency, it makes the entire process somewhat rigid, and static as a result of the set standard within which it operates. iOS app development, on the other hand, follows a relatively more subjective, and dynamic approach. While there is strict adherence to nomenclature, the app development follows a free (open) structure within the XCode.
This refers to the extensive amounts of testing (scrutiny) that developers put mobile apps through, in order to assess their present abilities, as well as future scope. Testing is a crucial to the life of any app, as it gives all concerned parties, a good deal of insight into the all aspects of the app – both good and bad. There is not much difference in the simulated testing platforms employed by both Android, and iOS app development; as the results are seemingly unsatisfactory in both cases. Developers instead prefer to launch the app (Alpha/Beta versions) for actual device use initially, as it gives a better opportunity to test the app.
A programming language is probably the farthest point of difference between Android and iOS app development. Android programming takes place, as it always has, through Java. Conversely, iOS app development was, until a few years ago, carried out using Objective C. This has since been replaced by the easier, more efficient Swift programming language.
As far as development framework is concerned, Android is – due to its use of Java – more effective and robust as compared to iOS app development. Android applications use the Android studio, in conjunction with the Android SDK; with the use of IDE’s such as NetBeans, and Eclipse. On the other hand, iOS app development utilizes the XCode IDE, along with the iOS SDK.
App Store
The final stage of an app development cycle is the actual release of the app on the official app store of its platform. An app store release is when a given app is officially offered to the world–end users, to be more specific. Between Android and iOS, releasing an app on the Play Store (Android) is much simpler as compared to doing the same on the iOS App Store. This is because, on Android, all developers need to really do is upload the APK, followed by a few hours’ waits. Conversely, Apple has a rather long and stringent process for approving a given app, which can take up to 4 whole days; sometimes more. Additionally, applicants need to pay an annual 99 USD fee for iOS apps, after uploading to the App Store.
A Viable Alternative
HokuApps is a viable alternative where the automated platform creates custom-built apps for iOS, Android, and the Web, which are intuitively designed, and contextually aligned with the unique requirements of businesses. The platform features a 90-10 app development model where 90% of the app development is automated with pre-built elements, while the remaining 10% is the customization that apps require at a business-level to fit in exactly with the business’s unique requirements and ecosystem.
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