New Book by Tara Lynn Marta: Look Back to Yesterday


ADELAIDE BOOKS is proud to offer the latest work by Tara Lynn Marta Look Back to Yesterday hitting stores everywhere on June 4th, 2020.

Rebecca is a thirty-four-year-old woman looking for yesterday. Alone after the death of her father and break up with her live-in boyfriend John, Rebecca clings to memories of her childhood in Brooklyn. Before losing her mother when she was nine, her world seemed safe and secure. Rebecca decides to return to Brooklyn after twenty-five years. She falls asleep on the subway and wakes to find herself in 1980, where she comes into contact with not only her parents and family, but her childhood self. In an attempt to alter the past and save her mother from an untimely death, Rebecca learns that the only person she can save is herself.

Tara Lynn Marta was born in Brooklyn, New York and moved to Pennsylvania at age nine. She holds a B.A. in English and an M.A. in Creative Writing. In 2017, she was a freelance blogger for The American Writer’s Museum and a book reviewer for At the Inkwell. Although she has enjoyed success as a fiction writer, she also dabbles in nonfiction and has had several pieces published both online and in print. Most recently, Tara’s essay “The Dream Lives On” was published by Blind Faith Books in the anthology I Am Strength: True Stories of Everyday Superwomen. She has done readings of her work in New York and Pennsylvania. She serves on the Scranton Reads Committee and has moderated several book discussions for local libraries. An avid reader, Tara enjoys classic and contemporary literature. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, biking, kayaking, and traveling. She currently works as a substitute teacher.

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