Credit Union Loans At Affordable Rates In Killeen


Killeen, TX/ 2020: Credit unions are known for providing convenient personal financing options. Members of the credit union are offered low rates and flexible terms on loans. Visit Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union in Killeen for loans at affordable rates along with a convenient loan application process.

The credit union provides a wide range of financial services and lending opportunities to meet the financial needs of its members.

Credit Union Loans

Secured Loans: The credit union grants a secured loan against the collateral that has a value equal to or greater than the balance of the loan. In some cases, the loan may not be granted unless the collateral has a value greater than 20% of the loan requested. Members can also borrow a share secured loan that is backed by the share account (excluding IRA) held at the credit union.
Unsecured/Signature Loans: Members are offered unsecured/personal loans at affordable rates for financing an unexpected expenditure. The loan is approved after the completion of the application and verification of the income.
Credit Builder Loan: The credit union provides opportunities to its members for establishing or improving their credit score with a credit builder loan. The money is deposited in the share account and will not be released until the balance of the loan is paid off.
The credit union is known for providing loans for new and pre-owned vehicles at a competitive interest rate. APR rates will depend on the type of automobile.
Pre-approval on vehicle loans is also available to the members.
Members can apply for the loan through the online loan application provided on the website or by contacting the loan officer.
Discounts are offered on vehicle loans if the member has opted for electronic/automatic payments.
Down payment may be required to borrow the loan and the rate of the loan is subject to changes as per the condition.

For more information on credit union loans at affordable rates in Killeen, visit Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union at 3305 E. Elms Rd., Killeen, TX – 76542. You can also call at (254) 690 – 2274 or visit the website at