Have your main character select this up


As soon as you’ve gathered your meseta pso2 dailies, jump over to the main Quest Counter on the right and tackle the first”Recommended Quest” (under the”Main Quests” category) that seems, because these are frequently connected to the daily quests. Two birds, one stone as it had been. (And always pick up client orders in the same area you are questing!) Speaking of missions, constantly keep tabs on your Weekly ones (Start, world icon, ARKS Missions)! Most of these are a piece of cake to complete and can net you a lot of Meseta. Which is why you need to.

Phantasy Star Online 2 uses a stock system. As a consequence, you can send things to your character-specific storage container along with a”Default” storage container that’s shared across all your characters. This includes Meseta, the in-game currency. Wish to stockpile some cash? Here is how to do that As I alluded to earlier, you can earn money finishing your missions. Whenever these are activities like”Collect X things,” you can grab the associated client order together with your primary personality, stockpile those things (so, if you’re requested to harvest three of a specific type of fish, you harvest nine of them), then send the extras to your default.

Log in with each character, pick up those client orders, do themand immediately turn them in. Money in the bank (and of course simple EXP)! For tasks like”Enhance a weapon or unit” you can buy two cheap weapons at the Shopping Plaza then scoot right on to the thing lab, improve them using a Grinder, and collect your benefit. Do not need all Meseta? Simply send it over and have your main character select this up! It is a way even if you won’t play with these figures regularly. Tip: Daily Missions are based upon the character you’re playing, not your accounts. This means you make some cash too and can easily load your alt personalities, and send that Meseta over for your character!

You are going to be constantly juggling loot and transferring consumables, weapons and materials between your character and your storage locations. So it was pure pleasure to discover that you can hold the best trigger then and down D-pad of the Xbox controller. It is also going to save you a significant amount of time when your loot to be unloaded by visiting stores. Got some suggestions to share for other players? Take them my on Twitter. If cheap PSO2 Meseta you’re playing Phantasy Star Online 2’s Open Beta for Xbox, I’ll see you!