Global Management Academy is pleased to announce that the company is working in collaboration with City and Guilds India to promote ILM Qualifications across India.

Global Management Academy will enable educational partners across India to rapidly set-up and deliver ILM qualifications using Global E-Learning Portal. The Global E-Learning Portal provides a turnkey solution for prospective education partners to offer the prestigious ILM qualifications to their clients as both online and blended learning products.

James Johnston, CEO of Global Management Academy International, hails this agreement as emblematic of Global Management Academy’s commitment to the South Asia region.

“We believe India represents the future of online education globally. On the demand side, India has 600m people under the age of 25, and a rapidly growing demand for vocational and higher education. On the supply side, India has a sophisticated and rapidly growing E-Learning industry, which will enable Indian establishments to offer their qualifications worldwide. City and Guilds have been pioneers in developing a market presence in India, and we are pleased to work with them to offer a unique valuate proposition to both the educational and corporate markets.”

Global Management India is based in Chennai, and already works with leading Higher Educational Institutions in the delivery of online business management qualifications. Global’s Director of Business India, Sri Nagesh Mandala believes India will emerge very strong in e-learning globally.

“ India is currently the second largest market in E-learning globally. In the coming years, India will emerge as one of the most dynamic markets for e-learning business with about 9.5 million online users by 2021. Currently, educational institutions around the country are embracing the new found opportunities in online education and are ramping up capacity and content. The collaboration between GMA who provides online content for management education and City & Guilds who will provide qualifications through ILM will benefit both education providers and students in India immensely”

About the Company:

Global Management Academy is a hub for professionals to assist their career to an advanced level. All the GMA’s courses are delivered online that helps you access them whenever you want with the comfort of your home. GMA’s courses help managers and organizations at all stages in their career development with its efficient, informational and instructive online courses.