The Path to Ultimate Freedom in the Midst of COVID-19: New Book Shares Stories from Amazing Women Who Have Pursued Their Biz Dreams


NIAGARA FALLS, ONTARIO – “Your Time Is Now: Inspiring Stories from Amazing Women Who Took Action to Fulfill Their Dreams,” a collection of true stories to motivate readers to stop waiting and finally use their life experiences to live their mission and pursue their biggest business goals, is now available on Amazon. Amazing Women Media, Inc. released this book, the first in The Hope Book Series, March 5.

Serena Carcasole, founder of Amazing Women Media Inc. and the Amazing Women Entrepreneurs Network, said the goal of this book is to inspire women who are seeking the courage to start or scale their dream businesses—and change the world.

“In the light of everything that’s going on with COVID-19, now truly is the best time to become an entrepreneur,” Carcasole said. “Not only does entrepreneurship empower you to live your mission, but it also gives you freedom in times of uncertainty. For example, as a business owner, you can choose to work from home, be home with your kids if school is closed, and control your income. Working for yourself and being in control of your destiny is the new wealth!”

She went on to explain that she and the rest of the book’s contributors want every woman who reads this book to realize that she already has within her everything she needs to control her destiny. “There is no failure; you can take action to create your dream business and live your dream life, starting right now!”

In “Your Time Is Now,” 22 amazing women share the true, inspirational stories of how they finally took action to pursue their business dreams (whether that meant starting or scaling their businesses) … and the magic that followed as they used their experiences to change the world. Each contributor also shares a downloadable gift to help readers begin taking action on their business-related dreams immediately.

Readers will discover stories about:

  • Cultivating an empowering mindset that lays the foundation for taking inspired action.

  • Creating new habits that lead to significant shifts in every area of life.

  • Persevering through frustration and setbacks to ultimately remain focused and stay true to goals, business and otherwise.

  • Recognizing opportunities for freedom through entrepreneurship—and making the most of them.

  • And so much more.

“The women who contributed to this book are my real-life heroes,” Carcasole said. “After reading their stories, you’ll feel powerful and empowered—like taking action is the only option.”

Contributors include: Serena Carcasole, Ashley Doan, Christi Davis, Cyndy Walter, Deni Carruth, Denise Threlfo, Dez Stephens, Elizabeth Otis, Jackie Kossoff, Jana Short, Julia Duabaras, Lauren Cohen, Melanie Pigeon, Michele Pariza Wacek, Michelle Clark, Rania Loughnan, Sheila Galligan, Susan Tillery, Teagan Hintze, Tamica Lloyd, Tracy Meguire, and Tricia Collyer.

About The Hope Book Series

The mission of The Hope Book Series is to create a movement of holistic success for women around the world, by sharing real-life stories of people who were able to create lives they love and businesses that give them the freedom lifestyle they deserve. It covers topics including business, money, health, spirituality, careers, life, mindset, overcoming trauma, and transformation. Learn more at