Suhel Seth: In Crisis, You Grow Strong


The COVID-19 pandemic has left us all bewildered. From the health crisis to the economic crisis, coronavirus has done it all in a single blow. While the people are confined to the four walls of their houses, the businesses are breathing slowly. The usual clamor and clatter of machinery and men can be no more heard and it’s saddening to some extent. It’s been more than 4 months that India, the most colorful country in the entire world, has come to a standstill. The greys and whites have made the better of themselves, scratching the colors oh-so-well.

The brands across the country have lost a lot during this pandemic. From revenue losses to job cuts, the corporate world has faced a lot; it’s no news. Suhel Seth, a well-known columnist and founder and managing partner of the consultancy firm Counselage India, while discussing the current situation of the corporates in India stressed the fact that crisis reveals the best in us. And, it happened, truly and thoroughly. Numerous brands revealed their best in these times of crisis with empathy and care for their customers. The way they have been dealing with the on-going pandemic is commendable. From Reliance Group that established India’s first COVID-19 hospital in Mumbai in a very short duration of time to the Taj Group of Hotels that offered around 50,000 meals to our COVID-19 warriors in the healthcare sector who are relentlessly working day-in and day-out to help their patients recover, the Indian brands have actually shown the true meaning of love, care, and empathy through their acts of kindness.

According to Suhel Seth, the kind attempts by the Indian brands to combat the COVID-19 crisis have shown that they care for the nation and its people and humanity, in particular. Another brand that worked fabulously well is Spencer’s. Being the oldest grocery brand of India, Spencer’s served its customers in times of crisis. Moreover, they also provided fresh meals to the unprivileged strata which are simply laudable. Private healthcare institutions like Fortis Hospital changed the way it functioned to suit the dire needs. By establishing isolation wards to making people aware through their social media channels, Fortis has done a worthy job.

All in all, these brands wore empathy on their sleeve and instilled their core with love and care and created the much-needed wonder even in these difficult times.

If we stand united, we will definitely vanquish the coronavirus and start afresh. This destruction of the ‘old’ normal might lead to the construction of the ‘new’ normal that will be amassed with virtues like love and kindness.
