Why You Should Source Your Catering Equipment from Mac Brothers


Should your company ever be in need of high-quality catering equipment, consider sourcing your supplies from the high-tech Mac Brothers factory. Not only does the company have several years of experience in designing and producing such products, but they are also an established empowerment company, more specifically – a level 4 BBBEE contributor.

When sourcing catering equipment, there are several different considerations to keep top of mind, such as the experience the company has, the quality of the equipment, as well as the reliability and consistency of the supplier. The reason why Mac Brothers is the leading catering equipment supplier in Cape Town is due to the fact that they tick all of those boxes.

As mentioned previously, Mac Brothers has several years’ worth of experience in the industry, almost 20 years to be exact. Therefore, clients can be confident that the company not only has a deep understanding of the equipment they produce, but that they also produce high-quality equipment. The longer a company has been around, the more likely they will have high-quality products to show for it. In terms of the reliability and consistency of the company, Mac brothers first opened as a humble stainless steel catering equipment producer. Over the years, the company grew to become a supplier and producer for various established brands, such as Burger King, Dunkin’ Donuts, the Spur Group, as well as several other leading brands in the food service industry.

Therefore, when purchasing from Mac Brothers, clients can rest assured that the equipment they receive is of exceptional quality. Additionally, the company has a highly qualified team of designers that liaise with clients from conceptualisation to the final build to ensure that efficient and sustainable equipment is being produced.

Some of the catering equipment produced and supplied by Mac Brothers includes bakery equipment, bulk cooking equipment, boiling tables, steamers, coffee machines, display equipment, dishwashers, various fryers and pasta cookers, extraction fans and ventilation systems, grills and grease taps, to name a few.

If you’re interested in purchasing any of the above-mentioned catering equipment, or if you would like more information about the company, visit their official website at https://www.macbrothers.co.za/.

About the Company:
Mac Brothers is a high-tech factory that supplies a wide range of catering equipment, fire suppression equipment and medical equipment. The company was established in 2002 and has since grown to produce equipment for various industry leaders from their four branches in Cape Town, Harare, Durban, and Johannesburg.

32-34 Benbow Avenue, Epping 1
7460, Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: +27 21 505 4100